Chronological Scrapbook Albums
& Scrapbooking Title Pages
& Ending Pages
I think most people who scrapbook got started with Chronological Scrapbook Albums as it just seems to make sense to scrap your photos as they are taken. Or maybe it's just easier to sort through old photos and first put them in some sort of Chronological order to get started with scrapping. It's just the natural order of things.
When I first got started, I would just leave that single first page blank and also the single last page. Then I just started putting the year in the center of the first page with a pretty background paper and a simple "the End" at the last page.
So, after a few years, those pages in my Chronological Scrapbook Albums seemed a little drab and I found a great way to spruce up that scrapbooking title page and even add a little excitement.
Annual Scrapbook
For my first page of my Chronological Scrapbook Album for 2003, I decided to make it festive with some published photos of fireworks from various locations around the world. For this cover page scrapbook layout, I put the photos on black background paper with "colored tinsel" attached behind some "metallic adhesive stars". The layout also features a festive metallic die cut 2003 on the right side with a few more published photos of fireworks, more stars and more tinsel. I think it adds a festive mood right at the beginning.
There is a black and silver metallic sticker "2002" on the right page which is actually the back inside cover of the previous year's book or could be attached to the left side cover.
Handwritten below each photo in silver metallic ink is the location of the photo.
For Tips and Tricks on how to take your Best Fireworks Photos, check out our Tutorial page Great Fireworks Photos.
Click on either photo to see more Polar Bear Plunge Layouts.
New Years Day Traditions
The Polar Bear Plunge
If you are the brave type, the Polar Bear Plunge on New Years Day may be something to document in your Chronological Scrapbook Album. But, maybe you are more like me and just like to watch. But this can always get your Annual Scrapbook off to an exciting, if not chilly, start.
New Years Day Traditions
Here's another Idea for your Chronological Scrapbook Albums if you don't have the opportunity to do the Polar Bear Plunge or just plain want to stay home for the Day off.
Take some photos and put in some Recipes of those Traditional New Year's Day Foods and anything else you do like watch the Parads or Sports.
For the Left Side Layout about this New Years' Day Feast, I first had to grow the vegetables. With a small Fall Garden, everything was ready just in time for that Mess Of Collards. "Mess" is an official unit of measure for Collards - at least in the South where my parents were from.
Then for the Right Side Layout, the photos of the Hoppin' John (for Good Luck in the upcoming year) and the Collards (for Money in the New Year) as well as the Recipes for both, round out the Day's Festivities. There is a small menu on the left that also mentions Mom's Egg Nog Recipe, but that recipe will remain hidden as it is sooooo good, it has to remain a family secret.
The Recipes are clipped on with the little red clips for easy removal to the kitchen. They are also covered with plastic sleeves. The Egg Nog Recipe is printed on the back to keep it a secret. Just a little fun you can have with your Chronological Scrapbook Album layouts.
Here I have used a Fireworks Layout for my first page and the corresponding page for the last page of my 2008 Album.
Album Tip: I liked this idea of Old Year to New Year transition so much, I have used it several years in a row. After all, every year begins and ends with a New Year's Eve celebration of some sort. I like to try to start a new Chronological Album every year in additional to my themed albums.
But, it has always been difficult getting good photos of fireworks, so I have practiced with photographing fireworks every chance I get. When my Fireworks photos consistently failed to come out perfectly, I tried this Mosaic Photo approach of cutting the not so good photos into one inch squares and using only the really good portions.
The Mosaic Layouts above and below were made using the Mosaic Moments paper and supplies by Tammy Potter.
Visit (Wish in the Wind, LLC)
to purchase Tammy's layouts and products.
Photography Tip: My latest and most useful tip I discovered at the beach for the July 4th celebration. I laid down on the sand and held the camera pressed against my face to keep the camera extra still. Finally I was able to get good Fireworks photos!

For the cover page scrapbook layout of my 2003 Chronological Scrapbook Album, I came across this paper with all the clock faces. I also found the Jolee's embellishments of the clocks and the shooting stars.
Since my chronological albums all have the outside covers that say The Shoaf Family Album, I got my local scrapbook store to cut me several title cuts that of "The Shoaf Family" in the same font. I was planning to use them for several of the front cover pages, so for this one, I stamped with a Versa Mark pad and added an antique green Embossing Powder to spice up the title.
Since the background paper was 12 x 12 and my books are 12 x 15, I used matching green cardstock torn to fit the top and bottom borders.

Here's a page for the beginning of my 2002 scrapbook. This was influenced by a good friend of mine, Don, who loves words and their definitions. He brought me this newspaper article on Palindromes. What in the World are they? They are words, phrases, sentences and numbers that read the same forward and reverse.
So right there I decided to save the article and make if the front cover of my 2002 Chronological Scrapbook Album. Not really very pretty, though. So, I just dressed it up with a pretty and festive metallic background paper and a collection of 2002 stickers. It looks much better in real life, and is interesting. It will also always remind me of my great friend's very interesting passion for words. He always has a great word game for us when we have lunch together.
Scrapbooking Title Pages

Click on the Photo to see the entire Alaska Scrapbook.
Here is the
Scrapbooking title page from my Alaska Scrapbook. Title pages are needed for themed albums which can also progress in chronological order. I couldn't find that suitable photo for the inside cover, so I made the cover by hand drawing the letters for "Alaska" and then cutting the by hand. This was before I got the Wishblade or the Cricut!

Click on the Photo to see the entire Citadel Parade Scrapbook.
Summary or Collage Scrapbook Pages
For this first page, I assembled a collection of images from the event, cropped to various sizes, just to give sort of a preview to the rest of the album. Tip: This is a great way to scrap events that you have a lot of photos for. Start out with one layout and a group of photos (the not so good ones can be cropped or printed smaller) to summarize the event. Tip: This is also a good way to do a 2-page layout for a Chronological Scrapbook Album, then do a separate album to highlight the entire event or vacation. I certainly wish I had thought of this years ago.
Now, I think I may go back and add "Summary Pages" like this to my older Chronological Albums as a place holder or reminder for my Themed Albums.

Click on the Photo to see more of the Road Trip Scrapbook.
There are several things you can do for your Road Trip Scrapbook Cover page. Here, These are what I call Summary Pages. I used a very old background paper of a map, but you could actually use any map of the state or location you visited. You can put little road signs along the black road to indicate where you have been. Tip: The Companion cover page scrapbook layout in the Chronological Scrapbook Album would be on the same Background Map Paper perhaps with a photo from each location along the way. Tip: Here's another idea for the scrapbooking title pages, or back and front Summary Pages for a Themed Album that you could also use for a Chronological Scrapbook Album. It might be easier to do your title page after the ending of the year or whatever time period your Album represents. This will allow you to use a collection of representative of photos from the special events represented.
As this Road Trip started out on the East Coast and went to the West Coast, the first half of the trip is documented and represents the Front Cover Page and the other represents the End Page of the Road Trip Album.

Click on the Photo to see the entire Egyptian Scrapbook.
Here is the cover page scrapbook layout for my Egyptian Scrapbook. This page was actually the first page I did. I was having trouble getting started and needed something small to get my ideas working. These black and white photos were in an old publication that I found and I thought they started off the album well.

Click on the Photo to see some more of the Aquarium Scrapbook.
This Scrapbooking Title Page or cover page for my South Carolina Aquarium Scrapbooks was made from the paper bag from the Aquarium Gift Shop. I thought it needed no other explanation or journaling.
Photo Storage Pages Chronological Album Tip: Another great idea for your Chronological Scrapbook Albums is to use as storage for your photos. I put my photos into the scrapbook even if I don't have time to do layouts or the supplies I want to use. This also helps to
keep the order correct.
Before I discovered this idea, I was always shifting my layouts around to get them in the right order. This is also a great idea to do to get an idea of how many pages the photos will take on a layout and the photos can still be shown off even if you are not caught up with your scrapbooking.
Gosh! Who is ever caught up with their Scrapbooking?
Certainly Not Me!
I hope you have been able to get a few new ideas from here on what to do with your Chronological Scrapbook Albums that you haven't done before.
I think it's easier to start out your scrapbooking adventure with Chronological Scrapbook Albums and then progress to Themed albums, particularly if you take a lot of photos.
If you have some ideas for us, please share them through the "Contact Us Form". We will send you a small scrapbooking gift for your ideas and give you credit on this site for the help.
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from Chronological Scrapbook Albums