| So, now you ask, how do I pick colors that actually go with my Photos?
The Color Wheel Store will provide you a look at a number of different Color Wheels and some books to provide you with some of the more advanced principles on working with colors. Both will show you a number of different ways to do color mixing and matching.
The Color Wheels come with directions on how to use them and how to mix and match colors and the process is very easy to understand. Here are some of the most common Color Schemes.
Color Schemes
Monochromatic - Monochromatic Color Schemes would contain several shades of the same color family. For Example: Several Shades of Blue - normally creating a sophisticated and more formal look.
Analogous - Analogous Colors are next to each other on the Color Wheel. For instance, Red is next to Orange, but Red is also next to Violet on the other side of the wheel.
Complimentary - Complimentary Colors are on opposite sides of each other on the color wheel. For instance, Red is opposite Green.
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Check out the Quick Start Guide for tips on Color Matching your Photos and Papers
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